首页 模板页面 index.html

1. 修改TD类GET方法

class TD(object): #针对待办事件列表 处理类 def GET(self): ''' 查看待办事件 :return: ''' i = web.input() print i page = int(i.get('page', 1)) limit = int(i.get('limit', 10)) skip_num = (page-1)*10 results = [] for post_data in collection.find().skip(skip_num).limit(limit): format_data = formatField(post_data) results.append(format_data) #web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json') #return json.dumps(results) return render.index(results)

2. 定义全局render

web.template.Template.globals['render'] = render

3. templates下编辑 index.html

By default, Templetor uses web.websafe filter to do HTML-encoding.

>>> render.hello("1 < 2")
"Hello 1 &lt; 2"

To turnoff filter use : after $. For example:

The following will not be html escaped.



$def with(todos) $:render.header() <div class="box"> <div class="box todos"> <h2 class="box">待办事项</h2> <ul> $for todo in todos: $ status = '' $if 'finished' in todo: $if todo['finished']==True: $ status = 'class="finished"' <li $:status> $# 未完成的任务 $if not status: $todo['title'] &nbsp; <a href ="javascript:void(0)" onclick="finish('$todo['_id']','yes');">完成</a>, $else: $# 已经完成的任务 <del>$todo['title']</del> &nbsp; <a href ="javascript:void(0)" onclick="finish('$todo['_id']','no');">恢复</a>, <a href ="/TodoLists/$todo['_id']" onclick="update('$todo['_id']');">修改</a>, <a href ="javascript:void(0)" onclick="deleteTD('$todo['_id']');">删除</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="box post"> <h2>新增</h2> <p><input type="text" id="title" class="long_txt" /></p> <p><input type="button" value="添加" onclick="createTD()" /></p> </div> </div> <script language=javascript> function finish(obj,data) { alert(data); $$.ajax({ type: "PATCH", url:"/TodoLists/"+obj, data:{ 'finished':data }, success:function(result){ alert("数据: \n" + result + "\n" ); window.location.href ='/TodoLists'; }, error:function() { //alert(arguments[1]); alert("异常!"); } }); } function deleteTD(obj){ alert(obj); $$.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url:"/TodoLists/"+obj, data:{ }, success:function(result){ alert("数据: \n" + result + "\n" ); window.location.href ='/TodoLists'; }, error:function() { //alert(arguments[1]); alert("异常!"); } }); }; function createTD(){ alert(document.getElementById("title").value); $$.ajax({ type: "POST", url:"/TodoLists", data:{ 'title':document.getElementById("title").value }, success:function(result){ alert("数据: \n" + result + "\n" ); window.location.href ='/TodoLists'; }, error:function() { //alert(arguments[1]); alert("异常!"); } }); }; </script> $:render.foot()